THE Definitive Guide to the most important bass questions ever asked

In order to clear up a lot of chatter in the forums, let’s put some very highly debated topics to bed once and for all……

Q: Flats or Rounds?
A: Depends

Q: J bass or P bass?
A: Depends

Q: Active or Passive?
A: Depends

Q: Tube amp or solid state?
A: Depends

Q: Does tone wood matter?
A: Depends

Q: Should I buy another bass?
A: Yes

Q: Should I buy more gear?
A: Yes

Q: What pickups are best?
A: Depends

Q: What DAW should I buy?
A: Depends

Q: Pedals or plugins?
A: Depends

Q: Should I use a metronome or drum machine?
A: Depends

Q: How big should my pedalboard be, I only have (this many) pedals?
A: Bigger than you think

Q: Should I learn to play with a pick?
A: Depends

Q: Should I learn to slap?
A: Depends

Q: Should I learn more theory?
A: Depends

Q: Tab or notation?
A: Depends

Q: Will this (insert gizmo name) gizmo make be a better player?
A: No, practice

Q: I’m stuck / in a rut / not progressing, what should i do?
A: Practice more

Q: Am I practicing enough
A: No, never

Q: What’s the best bass in x/y/z price range?
A: Depends

Q: Should I learn how to set up my bass myself
A: Yes

Q: What pick is the best?
A: Depends

Q: Should I buy a guitar?
A: ….sure, why the hell not?

Q: Who’s the best bassist?
A: Given the vast expanse of time, and the relative infancy of the bass as an instrument, she/he probably hasn’t been born yet

Q: Coke or Pepsi?
A: Pepsi

Q: Should I record myself and watch my playing to improve?
A: Yes

Q: Should I name my basses?
A: Depends

Q: Should I learn to play a 5 or 6 sting?
A: Depends

Q: How can I improve my speed/accuracy/ability to memorize songs/stretch?
A: Practice

Q: Should I use 1 finger per fret or micro shift or use Smandl?
A: Depends

Q: Should I learn on a 4-string or 5-string?
A: Depends

Q: Are you sure about Pepsi being better?
A: Yes

Q: But I really like Coke?
A: No, you don’t. You have been lied to.

Q: Are wider straps more comfortable than narrow ones?
A: Depends

Q: Should I join the live hangs?
A: Yes

Q: Should I learn how to improvise?
A: Depends

Q: Which oil should I use for oiling my fretboard?
A: Depends

Q: Is my amp loud enough?
A: Silly question….no

Q: Should I play standing or sitting?
A: Depends

Q: What’s the #1 secret to being a better bass player?
A: Practice

Q: #2?
A: Depends

Q: Should I try to play with other live musicians?
A: Depends

Q: Should I sleep with my bass to bond with it?
A: ………um……. ………….oh what the hell, sure


A friend of mine made dice that say “it depends” on every side :rofl:


Definitely no to pepsi ! Although that does depend


Q: Tomatoes?
A: Depends


That was fun! Thanks @John_E

I gotta say after all this time sharing my thoughts with you on the builds I still couldn’t believe that you are a Pepsi guy. I’m gonna need some time to put things to perspective.





I used to work for them, so this is also an acceptable answer.


Especially for diet soda. Still the best.


I was so happy when Dr. Pepper Zero came out. Diet Dr. Pepper tastes bad.


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As a soda professional, Diet Dr Pepper is the single best tasting diet on the planet. This is known throughout the industry actually.


Good job @John_E


Ooops, sorry! I didn’t realize this had turned into a “Which sugar water is best” thread. :rofl:


@John_E Does Mt. Dew count since it’s Pepsi owned?
Q: Is there such a thing as too many basses?
A: No


thanks to this, man.


I recall from an interview, Dimebag Darrel preferred standing for playing. Something about “You don’t sit down when going to war!” :rofl:



Best Q&A on the whole internet


Who cares? Discussing one’s love for strings is like talking about what a great bowel movement you had today :roll_eyes:

Eat fiber, drink water, play flats, do whatever you like. Life is too short to care about what anyone else does.


I need to start a thread where we can argue which streaming service has the best quality music :laughing:

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A: Depends