Beginner to Badass Reviews? 🎸

First off, thank you @JoshFossgreen for putting this amazing resource together - your friendly teaching style and the concise yet super informative content packed into this course has indeed made me from an absolute beginner, who only picked up a bass four months ago, to someone who’s now able to play along to songs (my original aim), create my own basslines, tentatively transcribe some grooves, and more!

The course is so worth it - it really has all the essential information you need to get started, build good habits and technique, and gain enough music theory knowledge to confidently go off and carry on learning the instrument on your own. I chose the course because as a beginner, I wanted 1) a good practice structure 2) a reliable teacher who I could trust, and 3) to feel that I make tangible progress, and don’t stall or feel discouraged when I get to the ‘tougher’ modules. B2B delivered all this hands down - I genuinely felt inspired the whole time, and whenever there was a more challenging lesson, I just knew I WILL learn how to play this or that groove by trusting Josh’s methods, doing the workouts, and indeed, have fun and cherish the process!

Like others have said, I so wish this course was available when I was a teen, just around 15 years ago - it’s really like working with a teacher that’s physically with you (the amount of times Josh has said ‘remember to keep breathing’ as I’m about to suffocate while trying to play something really fast :joy:) and it’s all very organic and laid-back.

Finally, you feel a real sense of accomplishment at the end of it - provided you put in the work, of course - and for an absolute beginner like me, to be comfortable with the instrument after just four months of practice, it’s such a great feeling. It’s an amazing hobby to have, and has changed my life for the better.

My course highlights, in no particular order - learning what a bass slide is in the very early lessons; being initially baffled by Billy Jean; learning Higher & Higher after four days of dedication and callus-building; the ta-dah moment after learning the C major scale; finding that yes, I could slap and pop if I wanted to (it’s not entirely my thing at the moment!); putting it all together in the final modules, and realising that when I look at the fretboard now, I don’t feel intimidated as I know how to find all the notes with relative ease.


Completed the course today. Enjoyed it and found it very useful. I would absolutely participate in a “next level” course (intermediate or even intermediate into advanced) if one were offered.


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Enter covid 19 … I was looking through the classifieds at guitars to flip and someone was selling a whole load of band equipment including a bass
well after testing it out I couldn’t put it down just banging out some root notes with a pick basically playing it like a guitar .I decided I wanted to be a real bass player and to do that start from the beginning as if I had no prior musical experience, I tried Scott’s lessons ( couldn’t get through the fluff) talk bass I like but not quite right then found bass buzz and instantly clicked with Josh’s style and the way the lessons cover 4 ways to visualise what’s being played - beat ruler - fret dots - tab - notation i come away with the lesson firmly in my memory then noodle away at the workout for a while and build up speed/ finger strength.
I paid by instalments interest free and it was worth every penny .
I can’t vibe with any other online teachers except Josh I just switch off after a few minutes
I would gladly pay upfront for a b2b intermediate - advanced but don’t think it’s on the cards as yet

  • josh teaches you actual songs with tabs not JUsT soundalike stuff with no tab like others due to copyright , also the 50 songs it’s a great add on and fun to try but I have only done a couple as im more interested in jamming its well presented though with the 100% accurate tabs
    Thanks Josh and how about that intermediate course ? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks Josh. Great Course. I hit the 30 day intense plan as I had some time between jobs. It was super cool. The best advice was “just keep going”. There were some sessions I really struggled (Michael Jackson, James Brown and the RHCP, as well as the slapping), but keeping going and then returning to it later was great advice. In terms of improvements? I found the slapping very tricky and it kind of took the wind out of my sails a bit, A little more emphasis on the triad would have been useful too as this seems to flow into the improv work a lot. Overall HIGHLY recommended for anyone looking to get into bass (or start playing the bass they bought 25 years ago, as is my case)


Hey Josh, thank you very much for the Beginner to Badass! I learned a lot with you, not only about bass, but also on teaching techniques! You are truly one of the best teachers I had in my life.
Keep the groove! See you mate =)


I tried to learn to play bass in high school, but it was just jamming with some friends, I never really learned technique or theory in any way. I got discouraged by my own inabilities and sold my basses before I even graduated college. Jump forward close to 20 years, I decided to correct that failure. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to really learn anything, but that is where Josh and Bass Buzz came into my life.

I very much enjoyed the course, finished it in 3 easy (for the most part) months. Yeah, there were a few fast workouts that were hard and even frustrating at first, but I got through them all. I feel like I learned a ton, and I now know what I want to go deeper on and how to learn it. This is by far the best money I’ve spent on my bass hobby, and I’d love to take the next course, whenever that may become available.

Thank you Josh, you made a really big impact on my musical life!


As a little boy I had a piano teacher. He didn’t have a knack for helping a six year old getting started so it became horror and I hated him, hated the piano and the music in general.

As a teenager, I taught myself a little guitar and bass, than I never touched an instrument for four decades. I have never had bass or guitar lessons in my entire life. But a few months ago it got obvious, I would need a lot of input to improve my play. Because of my previous experiences I was looking for an online course instead taking lessons from local bass teacher. Just to clear off in a second if it sucks…

The B2B course was my best idea ever! Your teaching style is great, your explanations are short, perfect on the point and extremely helpful. More than once, half a sentence you said in a lesson helped me more, than hours of practising for my own.

The didactic structure of the course is great. I always felt challenged, but never felt overtaxed. Your tips and your bass playing disclosed my self-taught bad habits and you enabled me to get rid of them. My playing technique has significantly improved throuout the course.

I love your explanations on music theory, on scales, triades and diatonic chord progressions. I understand music much better than I did before.

I used the practice songs ‘full speed without bass’ intensively and they were very helpful. Thanks for this addition. I am still using some of them to warm up.

Would I book the course again? Yes! The very day you bring your “Advanced Badass Course” online, I will subscribe. I look forward to the advanced rock bass course, the jazz course, the soul and funk course. And more music theory is needed too. More tips on improvs. Looks, you got some work ahead, @JoshFossgreen :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


You could be onto an idea here! Since it is not easy to design a course which is the spiritual successor of the B2B one (since there are several levels of “no longer beginner” players) maybe a thematic course (or better, courses) could be the way to go…


Hey Josh & team,

First of all, thanks for such a great course. I enjoyed it all the way through and it kept me excited so much so that I finished it in just about a month’s time. I had played the acoustic guitar for a few years, but very sporadically and completely self-taught, so my technique and music theory knowledge was lacking, to say the least. This was my first time on bass. A few things that come to mind about the experience:

In general, the course had an excellent structure, with each lesson building on the previous one, with the level of difficulty and mastery gradually increasing (except for Billie Jean :slight_smile: ). Josh, you have a good teacher’s personality, with palpable excitement about the subject and empathy for the student’s POV. You always put things into context, so we always knew why we were learning something and what level of mastery we should expect from ourselves. A good balance of satisfaction and reality checks.

It was really useful to play along with actual backing tracks, because now I have (relatively) good sense of time and groove thanks to that. Beforehand, this was completely lacking when independently noodling tabs found online on the guitar.

The tracks we played along to were a good mix of modern/more classic music and various genres. I would have welcomed a bit of classical, though. That Bach demo of yours looked great.

On top of all this, it was really helpful to receive guidance at the end of the course as to how to continue on our own. Suggestions, such as ear training and setting goals, were great. I feel like most other courses just end and you’re just sitting there with little to no idea as to where to go from there. Not the case here. (Also, watching some of the videos on Josh’s own Youtube channel, such as the ones about chords, is also pretty good for going into intermediate territory.)

Playing at the three speeds was an ideal way to learn, not just to make difficult songs more easily playable, but for us to have much better technique and sense of rhythm by the time we get to the fast workout. Now I cannot even imagine getting any song right without first doing it at a slower bpm.

Two minor suggestions to improve future courses you make would be to have the shots of the neck with the red/green fret dots (seen mostly in the beginning of the course) upside down, as that’s how we see our guitar necks, so our feeble human brains don’t have to do the flipping and reading at the same time. The other would be to have a couple of lessons where the letter of each note being played is written above their corresponding notes in the sheet or tab. I know the letters normally denote the chords in the progression, but this could be a helpful way for students to see what they’re playing.

So, thanks a lot, Josh & team, I believe this course gave a lasting foundation for my development in music/on the bass.


Congrats on finishing!

Check out this if you have not already…


I started B2B just ahead of turning 47, as as my covid project and a way to enhance our wedding anniversary by playing her favorite song.

In addition to being those things, it was also a solid middle finger to 47 years of detractors telling me I’d never learn an instrument.

@JoshFossgreen , you have constructed the clearest, most logical and “completable” music course. Ever. While I’m no bassist yet, I have learned enough to follow some songs, and the bug has bitten me hard. I now own two basses, and building a third (fretless this time). I am also continuing with learning new songs by doing the 50 song challenge, as well as learning theory. B2B has finally broken me through the “will never learn music” barrier and has given me a solid foundation to all these things. I sincerely hope you will do the Beyond Badass course one day.

Best regards



Finished the course today, but I was losing interest near the end. The last three modules were a bit tedious.


Congratulations @ssamu7.

I agree 100% :slight_smile:


What a horrible attitude. Well done for proving them wrong! :grin: :+1: :+1: :+1:


Tedious? I can’t support this at all. ‘Jamming with the band’ and the ultimate groove lessons were thrilling and extremely helpful. These exercises bring together what was learned in the course to enable us to play with a band. I’d love to do more of those .


Yeah actually the last few modules were my favorites.


For me, B2B is the best online Bass beginner’s course out there. Hands down!

Prior to B2B, I tried Jamplay for about a month and quit. Then I tried Hal Leonard’s Bass Method, Complete Edition by Ed Friedland, and got bored in the middle of book 2 and quit.

Then I found B2B and the rest is history. @JoshFossgreen’s teaching style and personality kept me interested and engaged, and I started seeing real results right away. The only part of the course I did not like too much was the improvisation part (and that is subjective), but overall I give it a 10 out of 10.