We’ve got topics for basses and amps, so now show off your straps too! Whether you go for form or function, let’s all appreciate these unsung heroes!
@Theron and if you dont have a strap “unhung hero’s”
I have two of the Orange ones cuz they are Orange. And they are cool. And they are orange. And they are $8 at the local Guitar and pawn shop. And cuz they are orange. And cuz the local G&P shop is the only music store that is actually open. And cuz they are orange.
I have another strap not pictured somewhere.
The black one is really nice. It’s thicker and heavier, and has rounded edges that don’t dig in. It cost a lil more, think $20 on Amazon. I might get another one or two. Yes, I have more Basses then straps.
Only drWback to the black one?
It’s not orange.
Actually, the black one goes great on my Orange Basses. The orange one goes great on my “not orange” Basses, which, unfortunately is fewer then my “not orange” ones.
But I am working on that.
Lovin’ that Dept of Corrections strap
Unfortunately, all the most decorative and interesting straps I’ve ever tried are not the most comfortable, given the weight of the bass. Mine are just plain 4.5" black leather. Nothing worth showing off here, but comfortable as hell.
Now, if I could just find those same straps with some nice graphics…
Nice idea for a thread, @Theron . . . and posted in the right Category, too!
Cheers, Joe
I am sure you can figure out how to get a rose or three on your plain black leather cozy strap.
If you can’t find it, make it
Now figure out how to add that to your tight schedule and never ending “to do” list
I actually know a lady who does custom embroidery on leather (she has made a lot of the embroidery for my motorcycle vest), but it takes her time to do it. It’s a matter of how much time I’m willing to go without my strap since she does require several days to do these things.
So, the black one is not one of your basses😂
No, the black one is my 6 string guitar
Aahhh the “Black Rose”… Pam’s “Darker Side”… The “Six” string guitar… Beware… She’s a Viet-Nam vet sister and knows what it means to “Paint it Black”…
My bad, I thought you had three @PamPurrs
Here’s the strap I’ve been using. It’s a 3 inch wide Couch padded strap, made from auto seat material from a 1980s Volkswagen.
That is super sick
@MDA that is a really cool strap. I’ll bet it’s comfortable as well.
Well, my birthday is coming up and I’ve had my eye on this… so you COULD take care of that problem, my dear best friend in the whole universe, @T_dub